Learning about each other is a process and it is important to do this with sensitivity and mutual respect. In the words of an educator:
Everyone’s input is valued.

Our early childhood teachers and educators are committed leaders in the field and supporters of children’s early childhood learning, culture and family well being. Continually professionally learning to keep updated with new research and practice in early childhood education.

We value children, families, and everyone with respect, and collaborate to understand and support children in today’s society. Our aim is to empower children and guide them in the curriculum with families, stakeholders associated with them, and in early childhood.

We know how to help children achieve developmental milestones, and we co learn with children to promote their learning and social interactions at Pre School.

We are proud to work in a diverse Pre School setting where every new day that comes our way is through children’s interests, family input, reflective teamwork, collaborations, and is focused to support the local community of Hurstville Grove and surrounding suburbs.